Roesner 1991 Edward H. Roesner, Le Roman de Fauvel: In the Edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain (New York, 1991).
Fuller 1987 Sarah Fuller, The European Musical Heritage 800-1750 (New York, 1987).
Hoppin 1978 Richard Hoppin, Medieval Music (New York, 1978). 358-59
Besseler-Gülke 1973 Heinrich Besseler and Peter Gülke, Schriftbild der mehrstimmigen Musik (Musikgeschichte in Bildern) (Leipzig, 1973). 99
Apel 1963 Willi Apel (ed.), Keyboard Music of the Fourteenth & Fifteenth Centuries (Corpus of Early Keyboard Music 1) (s.l., 1963). 6-8
Harrison 1958 Frank Llewellyn Harrison, Music in medieval Britain (London, 1958, R1963). 275
Schrade 1956 Leo Schrade (ed.), The Roman de Fauvel; The works of Philippe de Vitry; French cycles of the Ordinarium Missae (Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century 1) (Monaco, 1956). 54-56
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