V-CVbav-ms-Capp.Sist.57: Composer name in ms (index) = 'Noel Baldvin' / Title as in ms (index) = 'Missa a sei' / Kyrie I: [Tenor]: 'Canon Sub dyapasson' / Christe: [Tenor]: Canon [Sub dyapasson] / Kyrie II: [Tenor]: 'sub diapasson' / Et in terra pax: [Tenor]: Canon [Sub dyapasson]: although not specified, the canon 'subdiapason' needs to be applied here; [Bassus secundus]: 'Ad longum' (derived from the [Tenor]) / Qui tollis: [Tenor]: Canon [Sub dyapasson]; [Bassus secundus]: [Ad longum] (derived from the [Tenor]) / Patrem, Et incarnatus and Et resurrexit: [Tenor]: Canon [Sub dyapasson]; [Bassus secundus]: [Ad longum] (derived from the [Tenor]) / [Tenor]: 'Benedictus tacet' / Agnus dei - Miserere: [Tenor]: 'Fuga in sub dyapason' / Agnus dei - Dona nobis: Signum congruentiae in [Contratenor]; it is a 6-part movement, of which only 4 are indicated in this ms, including the canon derived from the upper part on fol. 67r. There is a further bass part missing, which is present in a concordance [CZ-Bmb 15/4], fol. 144v-