V-CVbav-ms-Capp.Sist.64: Composer name in ms = 'Con. festa' / Title as in ms (index) = 'Magnificat a[n]i[m]a mea d[omi]n[e]' / [Superius] and [Contratenor]: 'Et misericordia tacet' / Fecit potentiam: [Tenor]: 'Canon in subdyapenthe'; [Bassus]: 'Fecit potentiam cum tenore' / Sicut erat: [Contratenor]: 'Canon Qui venit post me ante me factus est'; [Contratenor]: 'Si placet'
V-CVbav-ms-S.Maria.Magg.32: The odd verses of this Magnificat start at fol.1r / The even verses of this Magnificat start at fol.10v / For a concordance with the verses in alternating order, see [V-CVbav-ms-Capp.Sist.21], fol. 37v-44r and [V-CVbav-ms-Capp.Sist.64], fol. 14v-21r / Anima mea and Quia respexit: Incomplete: [Superius] and [Tenor] are missing and can be found in [B-CVbav-ms-S.Maria.Magg.36], fol. 85v / Et misericordia: [Superius] and [Contratenor]: 'Et mi[sericordi]a tacet' / Deposuit potentes: [Bassus]: 'Deposuit tacet' / Fecit potentiam: [Tenor]: 'Canon in subdyapenthe'; [Bassus]: 'Fecit cum Tenore' / Sicut locutus: [Tenor]: 'Sicut locutus est tacet'; [Bassus]: 'Sicut locutus tacet' / Sicut erat: [Contratenor]: 'Canon Qui post me venit ante me factus est'; [Contratenor]: 'Si placet'